Building flexible software solutions means growing business opportunities

Building flexible software solutions means growing business opportunities

We developed a customer-beloved global online payment system, a multi-currency wallet providing global payments in 200+ countries at local rates. Thanks to an agile approach to development, robust strategic thinking, UX design, enterprise architecture and engineering capabilities we are able to deliver a service that can reduce time-to-market for new financial products and services to our clients.

< What we offer >
Automated Trading platforms Automated Trading platforms
Automated Trading platforms

Digital wallets Digital wallets
Digital wallets

Cryptocurrency stock exchange Cryptocurrency stock exchange
Cryptocurrency stock exchange

Accounting software Accounting software
Accounting software

Market analysis software Market analysis software
Market analysis software

Loan/borrow debt management software Loan/borrow debt management software
Loan/borrow debt management software

Revenue management systems Revenue management systems
Revenue management systems

Insurance management software Insurance management software
Insurance management software

< Value delivered >
Domain expertise
Domain expertise

Technorely FinTech experts can suggest the best fitting solution to your needs based on the plans and goals.


We deliver tangible results in short terms keeping quality to price ratio.

Security and regulations
Security and regulations

We keep it in mind that security, reliability and regulatory compliance always come first place in financial software.


Put your customer experience on a brand new level serving the transactions while suggesting extended functionalities.


We make sure that our partners never face issues related to government regulations and compliance.

< Fintech domain challenges and how we handle them >
Revenue management
Accurate Analysis
Speed and reliability
Investment management
< Order service >
phone number: +1 (778) 325-2991
headquarters: British Columbia
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