R&D for innovative solutions that include unique combinations and technologies

R&D for innovative solutions that include unique combinations and technologies

< Client goals to be achieved >

Get higher return of investment and optimise future project cost comparing alternative solutions

Our R&D team and BAs will do a comprehensive analyses to optimize the cost of future development


Move the project to new technologies minimizing interoperability and compatibility risks

Feasibility study to choose the best fitting technologies for your product taking into account your goals and plans


Validate ideas and test the product at the stage of PoC or MVP for gaining investment

Build MVP or PoC with us to gain investment and test how the product will potentially be used by real users


Get competitive with innovative technologies increasing customer loyalty

Tell us about the market trends and users’ preferences, and we will find a way to make it

Check your proect idea!
< Why you can rely on us >
Solution Architects with more than 10 years of experience in IT

Solution Architects with more than 10 years of experience in IT

Built 10+ MVPs for different domains from scratch

Built 10+ MVPs for different domains from scratch

10+ startups that got through funding rounds with our expertise

10+ startups that got through funding rounds with our expertise

Multiple systems re-engineering

Multiple systems re-engineering

< How it works? >
For projects from scratch
For projects from scratch
For existing projects
For existing projects
< Order service >
phone number: +1 (778) 325-2991
headquarters: British Columbia
We`ll contact you to learn more about your project
We’ll provide you free consultation regarding your project to the specified email
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