Hallowe’en at Technorely

Hallowe’en at Technorely


Spending time together during public events has become our tradition. By doing so we are spreading the message that we are always open to the world and ready to build long-lasting connections.

Over the last years Hallowe’en has become a popular event worldwide, so on October 31 we organized a Hallowe’en party at Technorely office. Chilling costumes, sweet cakes with other refreshments, natural pumpkins styled for Hallowe’en, and even frightening photozones – all the festive attributes were present.

In order to cheer up our team and supply everyone with fun we created plenty of games and competitions, and the end of the celebration was marked by a v games and competitions, and the end of the celebration was marked by a visit to the quest room. Not only do we find such activities exciting, but we also consider them to be a great way to improve our team building as well as help our colleagues communicate with each other outside the working process, because team cooperation and understanding people’s values, needs and wants is one of our core principles.

Happy Valentine’s Day! Happy Valentine’s Day! Read
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